Saturday, March 22, 2008

Odd Jobs

It occurred to me as I toured my new workplace a couple of months ago that I wanted to write this post. Another tour, new coworkers, new procedures. New work.

I wanted to write about it because it's become a tad tiresome. I've done it entirely too many times before. I like change. But I think I'm ready to settle into a little rut for just a bit. Develop some, I don't know, expertise in something. Actually earn a raise. Collect holidays. Stop being the absolute lowest person on the totem pole.

This got me thinking of all the other places I've worked, and I set about making a list of them. Given the semi-anonymous nature of this blog, I'll remove some of the details of the employers involved, but every job here is one I was hired to do and did, for some portion of time. Roughly in order.

- counter server at a doughnut shop
- dishwasher
- waiter
- cook
- municipal government cashier/clerk
- canvasser for an environmental advocacy org
- retail (book store)
- construction/renovation
- cook at a café
- security guard (mobile)
- teaching assistant (undergrad level philosophy)
- bookstore bagger
- alarm company dispatcher
- live-in level 3 group home counselor
- air traffic control trainee
- counselor level 4 crisis stabilization unit
- cruise ship bartender
- office temp (many offices, gov depts, and conferences)
- law office temp (likewise)
- courtroom aide
- summer articling student
- articling student
- legal counsel (various offices, disciplines)
- English teacher in Japan

That doesn't count the jobs I applied for and was hired for, but for one reason or another (usually a good one) didn't show up for. Those, AFAIR, are:

- rail yard security guard
- cook (fancy restaurant; tyrannical chef)
- baker
- soldier (they said take the weekend and think about it. I did.)

And volunteer work, some of which were remunerated but not with money:

- candy floss maker/seller
- data entry clerk
- victim/witness court aide
- honorary probation officer (for 4 years)
- youth justice committee member
- worker at a community legal clinic
- worker on school law review
- volunteer with environmental advocacy org
- fire handler with local arts/festival org
- assistant SCUBA dive researcher for environmental org
- and, one time only, as Santa Claus

I get the impression I'm forgetting a few, but that's most of them. Each one, new names, some degree of upward learning curve, and new stuff to try. But man am I tired of that.

Except casino dealer. Haven't tried that. Would still like to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Santa. I'll never forget the HUGE favour you did for us that Christmas. Nor will I forget our daughter's comment on the way home: "that sure sounded just like Uncle **".


8:16 p.m.  
Blogger Freemount said...

Get out. Really? You never told me that!

9:14 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For sure. It was the cutest and funniest thing. There I was pretending away that my bro didn't just fly to town, and make a pit stop at our day care and perform the most difficult of tasks!!

12:21 a.m.  

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