Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"Strategic" being a euphemism

I read this yesterday, which more than likely resulted in the following dream. It's been a long time. Feels like the 80's again.

Jules and I were living in Winnipeg. It was winter. Jules was busy with another urgent errand. I made my way over to my sister Keri's house on a kind of flatbed of rollers with a handle and motor. A kind of CAT. Difficult to use. Anyway, time was ticking. About 2 hours to go before Winnipeg would be hit by a nuclear strike (never unreasonable, having a CFB), along with several other Canadian cities.

I eventually arrived. I recall the time remaining being an hour and two minutes. My niece Danielle and a girl friend of hers answered the door. I said something like "Sorry to disappoint you" (I think they were expecting a non-relative). I believe my sister Kathy was there, also. I said to Keri that we have to get out of here. What are her plans? She said she was going to install a keypad lock on the car. I said I thought that was a good idea, thinking of the likely ensuing chaos, but was there time?

I think I may have compromised the dream when I realized that my plan to travel west in the mountains lacked a certain, shall we say, prairie element. I woke and wrote the whole thing down.

Later I slept again and entered a later part of the dream. Julie was at a nearby archipelago with other survivors. I had stopped at one of several piles of possessions that had been dumped along the way. One of my boxes was here. I started going through it, grabbing mostly wooden carvings from Indonesia from my trip several years ago. Then I made my way forward, doing this jump and glide thing that I do sometimes in dreams. Not quite flying. Then I reached the area where Julie was, and my little holocaust dream, part ii, ended.



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